Meet the Bookworm: Elizabeth Tabler

Hello and welcome to a new series I’m doing on my blog. I’ve sent a couple of bookish questions to some bloggers and bookstagrammers who have been crazy enough to fill them out. In this series you’ll get to read their answers, admire their favourite reads and share their favourite stories. If you want to join the series just drop a comment below!

Elizabeth Tabler

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What sort of things do you like to read? Any favourite books?
I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy. Favorite, ohh that is so hard. I like Fahrenheit 451 a lot.

What got you interested in books? Any particular books or people?
I have been bookish from a very early age. As soon as I learned to read, I plowed through books.

Do you enjoy writing as well as reading? What sort of things do you write? Do the novels you read inspire you?
I do! I am currently shopping around my first short story. Right now just science fiction, but we shall see.

Was there ever a point where you found yourself reading less? Why? Do you have any tips for getting out of a reading slump?
I go through reading slumps. If I get depressed or overwhelmed, I tend to read less.

What made you decide to engage with other bookworms on the internet? Are your internet bookworm friends different to your real life bookworm friends?
I have always followed book twitter, but as I started doing more blogging I got more and more involved.

Do you have any reading routines? What about blogging or bookstagramming routines?
I try to blog everyday, but a reading routine is probably a good idea.

Has your reading changed much over the last decade? Do you have a reading journey?
Not particularly, although I have read slightly more this year than in previous years.

Has interacting with bookworms online changed your reading at all? Do you think it’s for the better?
It’s wonderful! I learn about so many new books from the reading community.

Have you ever found yourself in a novel? If you had to pick one character you really relate to, who would it be and why?
I always loved the sass of Eowyn. I wish I was more like her. She is who I would love to be.

If you blog or bookstagram what do you find most challenging? Any 2020 reading/blogging/bookstagramming goals?
Just my normal list of books. I would like to try and get through either King’s library or Neil Gaiman’s library. I haven’t decided yet.

Would you want to work in the wonderful world of books? Why/why not? Do you have a dream job in the book world?
I would love to work with aspiring authors. I think that would be a dream job.

What advice would you give your younger self? Do you have any advice for budding bookworms out there?
Don’t stress yourself out about how many books you have read. Just enjoy the reading.

Thanks Beth for filling out the questions and joining my blog! Do you agree with her on any of these points? Are you a fan of sassy Eowyn too? Or even know which books she’s from, because I’m not entirely sure… Also if you fancy joining the series let me know in the comments and I’d love to feature you!

Another bookworm will be featuring on my blog so stay tuned for that, otherwise we have the usual posts

12 thoughts on “Meet the Bookworm: Elizabeth Tabler

  1. Reblogged this on Azaaa Davis | Author of Fantasy Novels and commented:
    Hi Readers,

    Today, I want to introduce something a little different. It’s not an author or a book. It’s a book blog! Before We Go is a book blog run by Elizabeth Tabler. I met her via the #writingcommunity on Twitter.

    Great book blog. Great person. Book reviews and spotlights for indie authors.


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