New To Me Authors I read in 2018

Hello friends! Happy Tuesday, a scary day in British politics 😣 but in lighter news it also means a Top Ten from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Also I finished my first book of the new year 😀 A Gathering of Shadows takes this milestone and I can’t wait to have my review up! Have you read any books yet this year? Do anything exciting since last Tuesday? I spent the whole weekend playing hide and seek with my boyfriend’s cousins, which is a much harder game when you’re triple the size of your competitors!!

But anyway, on with the list! Um, how can I pick just ten? I read loads of new and exciting authors last year and can’t wait to share them all with you!

1. Stephanie Garber

Wasn’t Caravel just amazing 😍 I am cradling my current read, Legendary, in my lap as I type this and can confirm her storytelling only gets better.

2. Amanda Fooley

Ace of Shades was fantastic. I love Fooley’s world building, imagination and characters, her novel just came to life as I read.

3. Tomi Adeyemi

Children of Blood and Bone was possibly my favourite read of the year. I loved reading Zelie and Amari’s unlikely friendship and about the fantastic world they travel through, I’m very excited for the sequel!!

4. Alexandra Cristo

To Kill a Kingdom is the another novel fighting for the place of my favourite read of 2018, Christo’s novel had everything: wit, an amazing world, great characters, awesome plot, it was just fantastic 😍 I really hope she writes something else!!

5. Luara Steven

I am constantly in two minds about The Exact Opposite of Okay. On one hand it’s such an important message, on the other she discourages women in STEM a few pages in… Although I haven’t worked out if this book is more positive or negative for feminism I have to admit it’s sequel has pricked my interest.

6. Eric Lomax

Having read the stunning story of this man’s life I feel I know him better than any other author on this list. His book, The Railway Man, is heart wrenching and brave and I would definitely recommend it.

7. Cecilia Ahern

I’ve seen so many of her books in the library, I think she writes mystery or romance? Anyway I was glad to finally read something by this author, even if it was her lesser known dystopian: Flawed. And I can see why she’s in every library, her writing is fantastic 😍

8. Erich Maria Remarque

Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front was a shocking read for me. I’ve never seen the war from that angle before and he really brings the history to life, I would definitely recommend this amazing novel.

9. Sarah J Maas

I finally read something by this best selling author! It took me long enough but I read Throne of Glass and will be hopefully reading the sequel sometime soon, it might have been a little disappointing but I’ve been advised to stick with the series 💪

10. Melissa Albert

The Hazel Wood may have gotten mixed reviews but I really liked it. I thought it was quite an entertaining fairytale esque novel and look forward to it’s impending sequel!

Lets Compare Notes

So there you have it! 10 authors I was introduced to in 2018! Have you enjoyed any of their novels? Made a list of your own? Have any advice when playing hide and seek with a four and five year old? Feel free to leave a link or opinion in the comments! 😁

30 thoughts on “New To Me Authors I read in 2018

  1. Great list! Children of Blood and Bone has been so hyped that I couldn’t quite bring myself to pick it up last year but I’m hoping to pick it up soon because I need more African-inspired fantasy in my life. Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much!


    1. Thanks! Urg I know books like that, I didn’t pick up Throne of Glass because of hype and it actually disappointed me (possibly because there was too much hype and nothing could live up to it!)
      I loved it, hope you manage to get round to it sometime and I really hope it doesn’t disappoint 😣

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tomi Adeyemi and Amanda Foody were on my list this week too. I also love Stephanie Garber’s books (but you already knew that), Laura Steven’s and of course Sarah J Maas (it makes me so happy that I finally got you to read one of them!). I need to finally get around to reading Alexandra Christo’s book-soon!


  3. This is a really great list! I’ve only read a few of the authors but they all sound interesting.
    My 4 and 2 year old are just learning how to play hide and seek and they are terrible at it. They always come out when I get to 10. (:


  4. Ha! I actually haven’t read anything by any of them yet. Got a book by both Tomi Adeyemi and Cecilia Ahern tho, so they could very well become some great discoveries for this year 🙂


      1. Yes! However, in my opinion, Perfect definitely didn’t live up to the amazing quality of Flawed. It doesn’t really have anything except them on the run… 😦


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