Happy New Year!

Happy 2021!!! Think we can all say good riddance to 2020 šŸ˜… although I am definitely disappointed we are still in lockdown.

One of my favourite things to do in the new year is to make resolutions. I love the idea of setting goals (even if I never achieve them!) and really enjoy the idea of self improvement!

To finish the Duolingo Tree

This will be my resolution for probably the rest of my life. I set it every year and every year the tree grows and I have to try again! Anyway hopefully this year I will manage this feat!

To finish my Book

So this is one that needs quantifying because the book is technically finished but definitely not. Iā€™m in the editing stage. Iā€™m hoping to get a mentor next year in Pitch Wars but whatever happens Iā€™d like to be querying it in 2022!

To post three times a month

Blogging is something that has definitely fallen by the wayside in 2020, given the crazy pandemic and the fact I got a little stressed. But hopefully this year Iā€™ll fall back in love with it. Going to start slow: 3 posts a months. Letā€™s see if I manage it!

To read 24 books

So this is a super low goal. Much lower than normal but I am beta reading for a lot of people atm so I feel I canā€™t set my published book goal too high.

To workout more

Working from home makes me feel like such a sloth. I really miss the humdrum of the office. Anyway, starting this year Iā€™m hoping to have a somewhat healthy 2021. I have excises and stretches on apps that Iā€™m hoping to regularly do in my lunch breaks and before and after work so this resolution is to do at least one each day (but hopefully two).

To get to 6,000 followers on Instagram

I finish 2020 with 3,372 followers and Iā€™m hoping to double it in 2021. Which I realise is super ambitious because it took me two years to get to 3,000 but hereā€™s to being bold!

To read diversely

I feel Iā€™ve done a good job at reading diversely this year, having read a bit of everything and itā€™s something Iā€™m quite proud of.

To publish 3 more short stories

Iā€™ve managed to publish a couple of stories this year! Which makes me really proud. one is in an anthology and another is in a magazine. Hopefully next year Iā€™ll get a couple more of my words out there!

Letā€™s Compare Notes

Do you set goals? Do you have a goodreads goal? How many books did you read last year? Chat to me in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. I’ll be doing my goals for the TTT topic in a couple of weeks, which is good as I have not had time to think of all of them yet! I also want to try and read more diversely next year and also have more to do on the book editing front. I read 45 books last year which was my best ever Goodreads Challenge year, so I’d like to try and beat that this year, I did set it at 50 briefly but it became very clear I wasn’t going to make that, so I put it down. Hopefully this year I will make it to 50 though!


  2. Hol up! You’re writing a book? Details! Wow!
    These are great goals, best of luck! I should probably start exercising more too šŸ˜”


  3. So many good goals here! I wish you all the best in achieving them all! The Duolingo Tree one is way too relatable. It amazes me sometimes at how much those thing change, haha. I’m doing two different languages at the same time, and it’s hard to keep up. I also can’t wait to see how your book turns out, and how Pitch Wars goes for you if participate! It’s always a lot of fun seeing people’s experience with that.


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