Finale Review

The final novel in the Caraval series, Finale, is one of the most highly anticipated novels of the year. With the sinister ending of Legendary still looming over readers heads it’s no wonder how desperate Garbers loyal readership was to finish the series. However this anticipation begged the simple question: could any conclusion truly live up to these phenomenal expectations?

With the promise of the Fates return, released from a pack of playing cards that previously kept them prisoner, Scarlett and Tella can do nothing but wait. Grounded by their comatosed mother, unsure how to fight and nervous about the assuring doom they’re bound to face, nothing can prepare them. Surrounded by untold truths and desperate lies the sisters embark on the most dangerous game they are yet to play as their quest leads them to fated lands in search of long lost objects. Meanwhile time is running short in Valencia as the Fates turn their greed to its struggling population, guiding them with elusive and sinister lost heirs. With a Kingdom unknowingly rested upon this task, and the illusory comfort that it is only a game lost Scarlett and Tella are in more danger than ever.

I used to love the idea of something being so tremendous that it was worth dying for. But I was wrong. I think the most magnificent things are worth living for.

Having narrated a novel each, Scarlett and Tella share the recount of Finale. With Tella’s fiesty personality and quick temper her chapters stand apart to her sister’s reserved and cautious ones. This dynamic makes both women and their respective chapters distinctive as they each show bravery in their own way, both in a frenzy to protect the other. While Legendary taught Tella to be brave Finale teaches Tella loyalty as she is appraised more than ever: her childhood fascination with Legend growing dangerous and her plight as she struggles to cope with the risks Scarlett must take. Her character development, although less of a focus in this novel than Legendary, is still complex as she learns the value of her choices and decisions.

Scarlett, meanwhile, is forced to be audacious where she’s always favoured protective. It falls to her to step into the path of danger, aligning herself within the Fates’ twisted game, demanding a gallant composure she has previously lacked in earlier novels of this series. Throughout Finale Scarlett slowly develops under the cruel circumstance she is forced into. During the events of Caraval and Legendary she has learnt to trust Tella to be responsible for her own safety, however now she must form a character of her own, away from Tella’s protective older sister. This multifaceted challenge shapes Scarlett for the remainder of the novel. Her first step to independence, proposing a game between her two suitors where the prize is her hand, is jovial and cruel however this protagonist is quick to realise and her character continues to shape from there: becoming shrewd and intrepid as the novel progresses.

I’m the villain, even in my own story.

The plot of Finale is engaging enough. The ending was somewhat confusing, particularly Scarlett’s place, appearing particularly out of character and random, while Tella’s conclusion felt better suited. Paloma was disappointing, after the build up and struggle from the first two novels, she presents little interaction with the events of the novel while still remaining pivotal to the plot. The storyline was further perplexing and muddled as the characters explored various options and potential solutions for defeating the Fates. Often various leads feel random or pointless and the focus on Tella’s romance was somewhat repetitive and tiring, while Scarlett’s romantic game was resolved quickly and added little gravitas to an already cluttered storyline. Overall, however, the events are engaging and interesting bolstered only by the sinister backdrop and crucial character development talking place.

The pacing felt even and kept the novel engaging. Finale lacked the structure the Caraval game has always provided but the world still felt magical as Scarlett and Tella were faced with an even more difficult task. The storyline progresses slowly and rarely appears to drag, even when the plot hops between the different plans, yet it never feels like it’s dragging. Finale doesn’t feel slow, even when the sisters were merely waiting for the Fates to appear, however the pointless leads and random events could frustrate some readers.

Setting the novel in Valencia, introduced to the reader in Legendary, was creative and exciting. Having explored the city through Tella’s curious eyes in the last novel made its decline under the fates return even more prominent, highlighting the loss the Fates’ destruction would cause to such a enchanting setting. The inclusion of Fated objects and Fated places added a new element to the series, previously restricted to Legend’s magic and capabilities and this extension added a unique dynamic to the environment. The brief visit to the past only added to the complex world building and both these settings breathe fresh life into what could have become stale backdrop. A multitude of locations are presented to the reader during this novel and, although not fully explored, they leave an enchanting feel to the world as the implication of further wonders and sinister ploys is suggested.

Garber’s writing has only improved throughout the series, Finale at its pinnacle. Enchanting descriptions, illusions conjured with vibrant colours and a dusting of beautiful quotes creates an exquisite ensemble of this spectacular world. The almost fairytale feeling of the novel did somewhat contradict to the more serious and deadly subject matter, a line Garber has always been treading in her work, creating a picturesque fairytale and tainting it with monsters. The enchanting world spun up in this tale, made even more vibrant through the eyes of Scarlett and Tella, and the compelling touches of lost love make this novel well written. The prose provided only sparse descriptions of locations, picking up unusual and quirky details rather that in depth descriptions, often leaving settings to the reader’s imagination. This technique gave each location a storytelling vibe as peculiar details could be slotted together to build an overall picture of the events.

He smelled of magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what he claimed, he wanted to be her hero.

Love remains core to Finale’s plot. As previously developed in her previous work the plethora of complex relationships are explored throughout the novel as Garber encourages the reader to consider what drives each character. While Scarlett and Julian present the passionate love affair that usually drives YA stories, it’s Tella’s cliché love triangle that takes centre stage. As Tella chooses between two men who desire to possess her more than anything her choices for happiness appear restricted. With neither suitor acting particular well throughout the novel it was troubling to read Tella, an independent and forward thinking character, so desperate to fall in love. Scarlett’s love triangle, although less central to the plot, was also disappointing as she favoured childish games over the use of communication and careful consideration, dragging along her potential suitors in a cruel manor. Both relationships glorify unhealthy romantic tropes.

The sibling relationships featured throughout the series were touched upon. Tella and Scarlett appeared to be drifting apart, the independence they’d shown in Legendary persisting as they slowly and sadly left each others lives. Meanwhile, Julian and Dante, although said to be brothers, played little part in each others stories, carrying only a passing interest in their relationship. Although the odd moment of brotherly advice or loyalty was conjured they remained mostly isolated throughout the novel. The breakdown of the sibling dynamic that always featured so heavily in Garbers writing was disappointing. Furthermore, the opportunity to fully explore the relationship between Paloma and her daughters felt missed as the novel persists with romance at its core, the loss of the themes of family truly centralised when Tella explains that she is happy to step out of Scarlett’s life for Julian.

Just because something is real doesn’t mean you believe in it.

The target audience for Finale remains very similar to that of Caraval and Legendary. The novel does not contain particularly dark themes and is digestible for any YA reader. Mentions of sex and death make it potentially unsuitable for very young readers.

Overall I can’t say if I’m disappointed by this final book. It didn’t live up to my expectations but the novels have gained so much traction it was near impossible to. It was difficult for Garber to satisfy a demanding readership and, although a good novel, it wasn’t as compelling or outstanding as I had hoped.


Summer Book Haul 1

A long time ago, in a land far far away (relative to your position to London) I went to my favourite, and let’s face it only, book convention of the year: YALC. And afterwards I got really excited and snapped a host of photos of my haul. I had a big plan to go put up a fancy book hoard post and then look back next year and see if my initial blubbering thoughts aline to my actual opinion on the books. But then the post sat in drafts, undiscovered, until I had the crazy idea to sign up to post something everyday for a month.

And then, lo and behold, I unearthed these forgotten posts. And, well, long story short, lacking the big quest and the dragon and all that (sorry about that one), I smartened up the post and hit that ever scary ‘publish’ button.

The post has my original thoughts, from August, about the books and my predicted rating. Once I’ve finished them all we can see how well they did…


The French set historical fantasy all about the revolution? I love the sound of this fantasy Les Mis. My friend has highly recommended me this one so I’m going with an optimistic five stars. No pressure Enchatee.

A Thousand Perfect Notes

I traded a book at the book swap for a very pretty arc of Paper Fury’s debut novel. I’m not entirely sure if I’ll like it since I don’t often read contemporary but I’m curious what this blogger come author can do. I’m thinking it’ll be a three star read based on what I’ve heard, but wanting to be proven wrong.

I Am Thunder

Another book swapee! I don’t know much about this novel other than it has a gorgeous cover and seems to be pretty popular. As I’ve no clue what to expect I’m going for the middle of the road 3 stars.

Into The Crooked Places

I won a proof of Alexandra Christo’s new book. I loved To Kill a Kingdom so can’t wait to dive into another of her novels. I’m hoping it’ll be five stars, like I rated To Kill a Kingdom.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Resurrection

I haven’t read a Skulduggery Pleasant for years. Derek Landy finished the series back when I was at school but then came out with a sort of continuation thing set a few years after The Dying of the Light. When I heard the author would be at YALC I thought I’d give it a try, but I’m nervous jumping back into my childhood favourites. I’ll give it a cautious four star prediction.


Honestly, I picked this novel out at the book swap because it always looks so cute on Bookstagram. But I have wanted to read it for a while since bookworm at university might just sum up the last three years for me. I’m going with an optimistic prediction of four stars because it’s not my genre but I’ve heard good things.

Shadow and Bone Trilogy

I’m finally going to read some Leigh Bardugo! And just look at those covers 😍 I’ve heard good things but everyone tells me Six of Crows is better than the original trilogy, so I’ll predict four stars for all three.

Lets Compare Notes

There you have Summer Book Haul part 1! Stay tuned for part 2, which should appear on the 18th, depending on how well I stick to this blogtober schedule.

Have you read any of the books? Are they on your tbr? What do you think of my ratings and what would you predict/rate the novels yourself, if you haven’t/have read them? Hope to chat to you in the comments section!

Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo Review

Alexandra Christo’s first novel, To Kill a Kingdom, was a fairytale. From the blossoming romance, sarcastic quips and relatable characters it wove magic and adventure throughout a charming, compelling storyline. Into the Crooked Place is a nightmare. Full of burnt magic, twisted characters, underhand dealings and powerful threats it presents a dark and unexpected tale that drags any reader into its sinuous depths.

Decades ago Crafters, a race powerful enough to create magic, were forced to make a monster: Dante Ashwood, ruler of the realms’ underworld, has stolen their magic to the point of twisted madness. While he will stop at nothing for his mad desire for power it is only when he threatens to destroy the realms and drag the underworld with it that Wesley, Ashwood’s protégé, knows he must be stopped. Unable to watch the realm crumble that Wesley spent everything building he decides to fight his deadly boss with just a group of loyal buskers, a fistful of charms and a team of unpredictable Crafters bent on vengeance. But can Tavia, Saxony, Karam and Wesley, enemies thrown together with one deadly goal, defeat this wicked monsters, or will they loose themselves trying?

“The realms make monsters of us all,” Eirini said.
“It’s not the realms.” The blade felt too light in Saxony’s hands. “It’s the people in them.”

The four protagonists of Into the Crooked Place will snatch any readers attention. With four main narratives, written in third person but infused with individuality and perspective, Christo’s vivid writing allows readers to become intimate with each protagonists’ ambitions and fears, while keeping their personalities complex enough that the plot is peppered with the unexpected. Wesley, Ashwood’s protégée and betrayer, is dark and troubled. Marred by choices and allegiances he’s grown to regret his dark narrative drags readers into his sinister world, showing them his elusive motives and insufferable charisma. Saxony, meanwhile, will go to any lengths to restore what little is left of her family, her chapters sharp with determination and ringing with passion for a war that is more than justified in her opinion. As the fight becomes ever more personal her unpredictability and continual fight morphs as she develops throughout their perilous journey.

It’s through Tavia, Wesley’s best busker, the reader is introduced to the five realms and it’s underbelly, hazy with her jaded moral compass, desperation for escape and regret at the decisions she’s been forced to make. Her longing for freedom and misplaced loyalty makes her chapters unique and uplifting. Our final protagonist, Karam, is Wesley’s boxer. Sworn to protect the magic Ashwood is abusing Karam is spoiling for a fight and desperate to prove herself, her monologues depicting the pain of her past and her need to justify it. Together these four contrasting characters drag the reader through their pasts and present in an intimate yet unreliable journey where readers are never truly certain they understand these characters’ motivations. The choice to show each protagonists biggest regret further deepens the already poignant understanding between the reader and each personality. A plethora of side characters are included to further the plot but remain mostly undeveloped making it clear the readers focus is to remain on Saxony, Wesley, Tavia and Karam.

“If my Kin dies, I will drag you into the doomed spiritlands myself,” Arjun said to Wesley.
“You won’t need to. You’ll be there right beside me.”

In such a complex world Christo weaves a simple yet harrowing plot. The single aim our heroes share: to defeat Ashwood gives their group and the novel structure and purpose. Although this goal is simple it is wrought with complexities that leave nothing to certainty as Karam, Wesley, Saxony and Tavia take a precarious journey to fight an impossible war they cannot afford to loose. A foreboding tone is conjured throughout the novel from its inception when Tavia accidentally coerces a doomed prophecy from a dud orb, which only adds to the haunting tone. Combined with the treacherous mission it becomes immediately clear in this battle, the stakes are high. The pacing, too felt well done as the novel never drags: danger and action balanced well with monologues from characters or scenes from the past. Christo artfully tells her tale with equal parts anticipation and fear, producing a compelling and haunting read.

Cristo’s writing style in Into the Crooked Place is darker than To Kill a Kingdom. Dotted with poetic prose and beautiful imagery the reader sees darker twists and graphic scenes, brutal fights and desperate hopes as they are guided between each dramatic event. At first the multiple often changing viewpoints accompanied by shifting tones made the plot confusing as the reader was slowly introduced to the realms. However, as the novel progresses the internal monologue of each character draws readers into the storyline and their individual struggles while striking the perfect balance between delicate composition and intense action to further the plot. The personal relationship each reader builds up with each protagonist as they follow this dark tale creates a powerful connection that makes each difficulty even more poignant. The writing was beautiful yet purposeful crammed with plot, description and personality that makes it captivating for any reader.

“Magic was a language made from wishing, with glyphs in desire and consonants shaped from dreams.”

The setting of this novel is extremely complex and it is occasionally difficult to fully comprehend the extent of the realms and their powers. Christo attempts to introduce her readers to four multifaceted heroes and their backstories, an unconventional magic system, four realms, an unorthodox government and an underground criminal network. The imagination of her creation is remarkable and the effectiveness and simplicity with which Christo carries out the daunting task of Into The Crooked Place’s world building is impressive. The writing never tends towards clunky as the reader is drip fed information, but they must accept to not fully explore the extent and intimate complexities of Christo’s setting. The vastness of the complex world laid out in Into Crooked Place, impossible to fully probe in just 400 pages, leaves readers yearning for it’s sequel.

Apart from an already saturated genre Into the Crooked Place does not use romance as plot motivation. Although romantic relationships are portrayed throughout the book it is rarely focussed upon in our heroes’ motives. Meanwhile, strong bonds form slowly between this haphazard group, highlighted particularly between the surprising friendship crafted by Karam and Tavia, exploring a new and refreshing trope: enemies to friends. Through Karam and Saxony an LGBT relationship is depicted and it becomes clear to the reader that this is accepted within all the realms. Finally the tension between Tavia and Wesley, as they ponder whether their friendship could be something more is woven cleverly throughout the plot adding a layer of excitement from the potential slow burn romance brewing while not detracting from the events taking place.

“She stiffened but Wesley stayed still, staring at his hand on hers, wondering who would walk away first. One of them always walked away.”

It is not just Tavia who questions the integrity of her world. Morality is a key theme throughout the novel as each protagonist almost compares themselves to one another, questioning how similar they are to Ashwood’s twisted personality. They strive to make the correct decision while weighing up the consequences of each choice, internal turmoil interweaving throughout their stories. Combined with their unsightly underworld origin and complex character this theme is conjured often throughout the course of the novel.

Dark themes persist throughout Into the Crooked Places. There are trigger warnings for murder, madness and suicide. Although disturbing at times and containing graphic battles it is not horror and should be considered a darker fantasy. The target audience is older YA/adult. I managed to win an advanced reader copy of this novel, it will be released in all its glory October 2019.

Overall I would highly recommend Into the Crooked Place, coming out in October. It’s poignant protagonists, captivating plot and enchanting writing make it a firm favourite and I look forward to reading whatever else Christo writes.


YALC Wrap Up

Every year for the last five years I’ve attended YALC, the Young Adult Literature Convention, in London. Circled my calendar, pooled over the schedule and, with pages curling in the 38 degree heat of last Thursday, stuffed my rucksack full of books. After a brief debate if I’d really need a hairbrush for the one night I’d be staying at my friends in London I was set and ready to go. And for those wondering, I decided I did not need the hairbrush, and I’m sporting a frizzy birds nest by day two just to prove it.

On the train up I was casually pondering if I’d forgotten my toothbrush when my friend, book blogger inspiration and bookish partner in crime, Jo rung me to gush that she was ready, about to stumble to the convention three hours early and would I please hurry up. My apologies on the railways behalf, because what does signalling problems even mean, and my assurances that I’d be there before 10:30 quickly turned to fangirl babble as we compared books and planned our day.

The convention centre felt suspiciously cool when we arrived, usually a sweltering hall crammed with book lovers in the thirty degree heat of July. Suspicious but relieved, we grabbed a few signing tickets before heading over to the agents arena because Jo wanted querying tips for the book she’s just written.

On unforgiving plastic chairs that creaked everytime I shifted slightly, which of course I couldn’t stop doing all of a sudden, I vaguely listened to the agent explain query letters while Jo dutifully took notes. There may have been some scrolling on my part. And I may have thrust my Twitter in front of Jo a handful of times because cute puppy or exciting read. Basically if Jo struggles to query her book it’s all Twitter’s fault.

Leaving the talk we assured each other we’d take it slow. Split the stands up so we wouldn’t be bored, as our first signing wasn’t until frustratingly late in the afternoon. So obviously, with the best of intentions, we started weaving our way greedily through the stands, ogling at the glistening covers and snatching cute badges in a giddy and excited rush. We’d done them all pretty much by lunchtime.

Although not as paced as we may have planned we did secure some afternoon entertainment in the form of hunting for rubber bats as we tried to win a proof of Alexandra Christo’s Into the Crooked Places. I managed to snag one off the big Y in YALC and Jo and I are now the proud shared owners of this glittery purple proof. I get it first since I spotted the bat.

The day ended with me deliberating far too much over the book swap, babbling incoherently at Derek Landy as he signed off my book with a skull before meeting our friends for dinner in the evening. In just a slight summer drizzle and a sticky humid evening our tired feet made it back to Jo’s London flat where we compared our purchases and admired our Fairy Loot prints.

On Saturday our friend Hannah joined us. You might think this narrative is going get confusing with two Hannah’s on the scene but lucky for you I’ve told it in first person. You see, I think about my readers.

On a rainy Saturday morning we grabbed our bags, mine now significantly lighter after we’d swung by my office Friday night, and rushed to the convention centre. We knew VE Schwab would be popular and wanted to get low numbered queue tickets but we were nearly 300th in the queue when we stumbled to the ticket stand a mere half hour after it opened. The calmness of yesterday had given way to the weekend that dragged an uncomfortably warm, heaving room full book lovers with it, presenting us with a much more exhausting first few hours.

Slightly dejected we consoled ourselves with our low numbered Malorie Blackman and Karen McManus tickets. Hannah was keen to go round the stalls and it didn’t take much convincing for either us to join her, my formally empty tote now restuffed with more books and a very pretty hardback I won of Fairy Loot.

The afternoon was filled with exciting bookish promise. With clammy hands clutching treasured books we queued in the greenhouse that is the signings area, Jo having traded her 281 for a 39 VE Schwab signing ticket. We were only allowed to get three books signed and one dedicated and Jo swapped out one of hers for my new copy of Vicious. Being the incredible human being she is when we were asked which one we wanted dedicating she got my book dedicated to me! Makes me feel bad for stealing all the cookie dough when we get Ben and Jerry’s.

After absolutely melting in front of VE Schwab, both from heat and from love, we located our trusty plug socket we’d unearthed in previous years and dumped our hauls for a moment of chill. With a brief interlude where we played hunt the bat again in the hope of not having to argue over our pretty purple proof we spent most of the afternoon sitting and admiring a nearby dog. If you’re wondering we are now doomed to forever fight over the possession of that proof. I did manage to win a proof of Thorn of Swans by posting an impressive bird impression on Twitter and got Jo and I chocolate cupcakes from the Fairy Loot stand when they unveiled yet more copies of Caravel are being made. It wasn’t all a loss.

Our final signing was with Malorie Blackman at the end of day. We were both beginning to get slightly steamed and a tad icky by that point, as we flopped down on beanbags next to a nearly cleared out stand. The hour wait was not without it’s perks: we got a sweaty snap with Alwyn Hamilton when she finished signing and, because she is a lovely human, she remembered us from the last three years she’d been to the convention. Possibly our giggles and squeeles are very memorable.

The day, and the whole event, ended with a giddy meeting with Malorie Blackman, who is just too lovely, a quick sugar crash and a sleepy trip home. Now for 364 days of recuperating before we do it all again.

Hannah, Jo and I on Saturday

My Predictions for Finale

Unusual post! On May 9th the final book in the Caravel series is coming out, and I can’t wait! But as a little game I thought I’d write down some of my Predictions for this dramatic end of the series.

Note: this post WILL contain spoilers for Caravel and Legendary, read at your own peril.

🃏 The fates will get Trapped Back in the cards

Yep, easy one at first, I think they’ll manage to put the fates back in the cards. They might destroy them once and for all, but I think putting them back in the cards would be more fun.

🌹Scarlett will Loose Julian for Cheating on him

The whole ‘I like you but want to check I got the best guy possible’ attitude that some girls have is just terrible. Either you like the person you’re with or you don’t, no one else should come into it at all.

✨ Scarlett and Julian will end up Together

Yeah, they will be together in the end. He’ll forgive her and she’ll realise she loved him all along.

🎩 Dante and Jack will Fight over Tella

Anyone else felt a love triangle coming on at the end there? And Dante and Jack strike me as the old fashioned duel for the girl type.

♥️ Tella will end up Single

More a hope than a prediction, but I really hope Tella doesn’t get with either guy after how they’ve treated her. If she ends up with any of them I hope it’s Legend.

👑 Their Mother becomes Queen

The ‘their’ here refers to Scarlett and Tella. I mean, who better to be queen than a close personal friend to the ex queen. And as an ex criminal she could really cut down on the crime in the city.

🎪 Nigel takes Over Caravel

I know, I know, it is heavily implied in the blurb that Caravel will cease to exist. But maybe they could change it up a little? Make it into a humble carnival? Seems a shame to loose such a fun game, and think about all those unemployed actors! Who better to run it than its oldest player?

♣️ Legend will also get Trapped in a Card

Yeah, he’s too fragile and powerful to let roam free. He’ll fall into a card, possibly an ace or something, and spend the rest of his days as paper.

Lets Compare Notes

There you have it! My Finale predictions! Do you have any predictions? Agree with me on mine? Would love to hear your opinions in the comments!

10 Upcoming Releases I’m on the Fence About

Good morning and happy Tuesday! Having just had a three day weekend- Friday was a snow day, Saturday some old friends from school came to visit and we had a snowball fight and a lot of cake, and finally Sunday involved more snowy walks and sticking in the warmth with my boyfriend- I’m feeling pretty well rested! And ready to start this post which is again on 2019 releases (anyone else feel we’ve done quite a few upcoming releases lists lately?).

Anyway, on with the list! Sorry I slightly overran, I’m on the fence about quite a few!!

1. Dead Queen’s Club

This was released last week but I feel it should still count? I’m not sure if I’ll read it or not since it sounds a bit romance heavy (I mean it’s Henry the Eighth he was all about his women!) But I really like the concept of a history retelling!

2. The Boy Who stole Houses

Much like CG Drew’s other novel, I am unsure if I’ll tackle this book. I love her blog, Instagram and Twitter and of course want to support her as an author but her books always sound a bit too dark for me 🤔

3. We Hunt the Flames

Everyone is chatting about this novel on Twitter, which has got me thinking I should read it, but it’s not one I’m really excited for so it is sitting a little in the drop zone.

4. Paper and Hearts Society

Like Cait, I am following this blogger turned author and again feel I should support a fellow book blogger. But I just don’t know if this book is my sort of thing?

5. A Girl Called Shameless

I did enjoy Laura Steven’s The Exact Opposite of Okay, but more for the point than the writing and am not totally sure if I’ll pick up her sequel. I’ll make the decision after seeing a few reviews!

6. The Night Country

Second in the series after The Hazel Wood, I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be picking up it’s sequel. I rated it five stars when I first read it but looking back I have to admit it wasn’t that good.

7. Priory of the Orange Tree

I’m leaning towards no on this one (sorry Samantha Shannon!). It’s just I don’t want to be consumed by this mammoth novel for months on end! I like a break from a certain writing style and story every, ya know, 500 pages.

8. King of Scars

All depends if I get round to the rest of the series soon, although I’ve heard great things!

9. The Wicked King

Again, I need to actually read The Cruel Prince before committing to it’s sequel.

10. Gilded Wolves

Everyone is talking about this novel but I don’t have much inclination to read it for some reason? I don’t know why, I’m a little on the fence with it.

11. The Tirants Tomb

It’s the fourth Trials of Apollo and I really don’t know if I’ll finish this series, the third book felt a bit meh and I think I’ve finally out grown Rick Riordan.

12. Chain of Gold

I told my friend who’s a recent and massive Cassandra Clare fan that I’d give this a read but first I have to read The Infernal Devices and I just don’t know if I want to go down a Shadowhunter wormhole again, there are too many books for me to keep up!

Let’s Compare Notes

So there you have it! 10, ok maybe 11, novels I can’t make decisions about. Is anyone surprised this list overran given how indecisive I am? I doubt it!

2019 Releases I’m Excited for

I’m having a terrible day, and it’s only 7:46 am in the morning… I accidentally grabbed the tuppleware containing defrosting pork steaks instead of my lunch from the fridge this morning and they’ve leaked raw meat juice all over my notebooks, jeans and signed copy of A Gathering of Shadows 😭

But there is one redeeming feature. It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for a fun listy post and hopefully some cheery book chatter to take my mind of the fact that I’m going to walk around the office smelling like a butcher and morning my signed book. So, on with the exciting releases!!

1. Children of Vice and Virtue

I am so excited for this novel 😍 Children of Blood and Bone was simply amazing and I can’t wait to dive back into Zelie and Amari’s world.

2. On the Come Up

I will read anything by Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give was excellent and I can’t wait to dive into her next novel.

3. Priory of the Orange Tree

I’ve put this one on here but I’m not totally sure I’ll read it 😬 it’s just a bit big, and despite loving the author and dragons I don’t know if I can commit to this epic…

4. Paper and Hearts Society

Again, a novel I’m not sure if I’ll read or not, I follow Lucy on Twitter and have seen her get increasingly excited for her novel. Although it’s not something I would normally read, I’ll probably give it a go!

5. Once and Future

This sounds so funny. It’s an Arthurian legend retelling from the perspective of a teenaged girl and the blurb sounds hilarious.

6. Enchantee

I heard about this one from my friend and it sounds amazing. Historical Paris? Yes please.

7. We Hunt the Flames

There’s so much hype about this on Twitter, I think I’ve got secondary hype. It sounds really good and I only hope the people of Twitter are not wrong!

8. Chain of Gold

Another year means another release from Cassandra Clare. I sort of lost touch with the Shadowhunters a little while ago and so many have been published since that I never really caught up. Maybe this will be the release that gets me back into their world?

Lets Compare Notes

So there you have it! A slightly shortened list of 2019 releases I’ll be looking out for. Which releases are you most excited for? Did you make a list? Feel free to share your link or opinion in the comments section! Could use all the book chatter today 😭😭