New To Me Authors I read in 2018

Hello friends! Happy Tuesday, a scary day in British politics 😣 but in lighter news it also means a Top Ten from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Also I finished my first book of the new year πŸ˜€ A Gathering of Shadows takes this milestone and I can’t wait to have my review up! Have you read any books yet this year? Do anything exciting since last Tuesday? I spent the whole weekend playing hide and seek with my boyfriend’s cousins, which is a much harder game when you’re triple the size of your competitors!!

But anyway, on with the list! Um, how can I pick just ten? I read loads of new and exciting authors last year and can’t wait to share them all with you!

1. Stephanie Garber

Wasn’t Caravel just amazing 😍 I am cradling my current read, Legendary, in my lap as I type this and can confirm her storytelling only gets better.

2. Amanda Fooley

Ace of Shades was fantastic. I love Fooley’s world building, imagination and characters, her novel just came to life as I read.

3. Tomi Adeyemi

Children of Blood and Bone was possibly my favourite read of the year. I loved reading Zelie and Amari’s unlikely friendship and about the fantastic world they travel through, I’m very excited for the sequel!!

4. Alexandra Cristo

To Kill a Kingdom is the another novel fighting for the place of my favourite read of 2018, Christo’s novel had everything: wit, an amazing world, great characters, awesome plot, it was just fantastic 😍 I really hope she writes something else!!

5. Luara Steven

I am constantly in two minds about The Exact Opposite of Okay. On one hand it’s such an important message, on the other she discourages women in STEM a few pages in… Although I haven’t worked out if this book is more positive or negative for feminism I have to admit it’s sequel has pricked my interest.

6. Eric Lomax

Having read the stunning story of this man’s life I feel I know him better than any other author on this list. His book, The Railway Man, is heart wrenching and brave and I would definitely recommend it.

7. Cecilia Ahern

I’ve seen so many of her books in the library, I think she writes mystery or romance? Anyway I was glad to finally read something by this author, even if it was her lesser known dystopian: Flawed. And I can see why she’s in every library, her writing is fantastic 😍

8. Erich Maria Remarque

Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front was a shocking read for me. I’ve never seen the war from that angle before and he really brings the history to life, I would definitely recommend this amazing novel.

9. Sarah J Maas

I finally read something by this best selling author! It took me long enough but I read Throne of Glass and will be hopefully reading the sequel sometime soon, it might have been a little disappointing but I’ve been advised to stick with the series πŸ’ͺ

10. Melissa Albert

The Hazel Wood may have gotten mixed reviews but I really liked it. I thought it was quite an entertaining fairytale esque novel and look forward to it’s impending sequel!

Lets Compare Notes

So there you have it! 10 authors I was introduced to in 2018! Have you enjoyed any of their novels? Made a list of your own? Have any advice when playing hide and seek with a four and five year old? Feel free to leave a link or opinion in the comments! 😁

30 thoughts on “New To Me Authors I read in 2018

  1. Great list! Children of Blood and Bone has been so hyped that I couldn’t quite bring myself to pick it up last year but I’m hoping to pick it up soon because I need more African-inspired fantasy in my life. Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much!


    1. Thanks! Urg I know books like that, I didn’t pick up Throne of Glass because of hype and it actually disappointed me (possibly because there was too much hype and nothing could live up to it!)
      I loved it, hope you manage to get round to it sometime and I really hope it doesn’t disappoint 😣

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tomi Adeyemi and Amanda Foody were on my list this week too. I also love Stephanie Garber’s books (but you already knew that), Laura Steven’s and of course Sarah J Maas (it makes me so happy that I finally got you to read one of them!). I need to finally get around to reading Alexandra Christo’s book-soon!


  3. This is a really great list! I’ve only read a few of the authors but they all sound interesting.
    My 4 and 2 year old are just learning how to play hide and seek and they are terrible at it. They always come out when I get to 10. (:


  4. Ha! I actually haven’t read anything by any of them yet. Got a book by both Tomi Adeyemi and Cecilia Ahern tho, so they could very well become some great discoveries for this year πŸ™‚


    1. I love all the others you’ve just listed 😍 I’m reading Legendary atm by Stephanie Garber and it’s amazing 😍 have you read it? Glad I’m not the only one to have only just read something by Sarah J Maas!! What did you think when you read it?


      1. Yes! However, in my opinion, Perfect definitely didn’t live up to the amazing quality of Flawed. It doesn’t really have anything except them on the run… 😦


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