10 Books that Feature Winter

Hello! How’s your week going? I’m very excited because my boyfriend and I put up our Christmas tree yesterday and are going on holiday tomorrow! I can’t wait!!

But on with the post! Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is a winter freebie so my post is ten books that include winter!

1. Narnia

Um the ultimate winter right? My friends and I had a discussion over whether the film’s are Christmassy last weekend… I’m still not sure tbh šŸ˜‚ we watched Arthur Christmas instead and that’s definitely a Christmas film! And so sweet.

2. Little Women

This novel, as I remember, begins with Christmas. A bit of a depressing Christmas but Christmas nevertheless, so is pretty perfect for the current season.

3. Throne of Glass

Reading this novel I remember feeling really cold. The floor turning to ice and freezing buckets of water for washing did not sound appealing to me.

4. Harry Potter

Every year there’s a Christmas in these books, often featuring a Weasley jumper and some pretty Hogwarts imagery.

5. Caravel

Nothing sounded colder than Scarlett walking in a wet dress, bare foot through snow on her way to Caravel. Some definite wintery themes here.

6. Catching Fire

I’m fairly sure this novel begins with Katniss cradling cold soup, freezing in the district twelve winter. Sounds pretty chilly to me.

7. To Kill a Kingdom

What is more wintery than a giant palace made of ice on top of a snow capped, impossible to climb mountain?!

8. The Night Circus

I remember Bailey wearing a scarf that was important to the plot for some reason (I think? Possibly I made this up?!) Which screams winter to me. So yup, definitely winter.

9. Wuthering Heights

This book had a ridiculously cold feeling. All those windy moors and the souless Wuthering Heights, it felt like a very wintery read to me!

10. The Bone Season

Dark, cold Oxford is the sticking point in this novel. I imagine that this is Oxford in winter given how desperate they are to acquire gas burners.

Lets Compare Notes

So there you have it! Ten wintery novels. Are they all as chilly as I remember? (Because it’s possible I made the seasons up here…) Have you read any? Any glaringly obvious missing ones? What did you do your list on? Feel free to drop an opinion or link in the comments!

28 thoughts on “10 Books that Feature Winter

  1. Ooh Narnia seems to be making a lot of lists! I do consider The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe a LITTLE Christmasy? Definitely a great pick!I love Catching Fire too!


  2. Great list! Yes, The Chronicles of Narnia, Little Women and Harry Potter always make me think of Christmas. šŸ™‚


  3. First, love the photo of your top ten books, the black and white set up looks great!

    Narnia made it onto my list too, it seems to be a popular one today. I also enjoyed Caravel and The Night Circus ā€“ great winter reads.


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