How I Did on my Winter TBR

So technically today’s post was meant to be on ‘Books I bought because [insert reason here]’ but I ran to a creative stopping point there. Authors I love? Done that. Because of hype? Done that. Cover buys? Done that, done that, done that. It was all starting to turn a tad stale. But, with my self isolation tbr just up I thought it would be a good chance to take a look back in time and see how I did on my winter tbr.

This post is vaguely a Top Ten Tuesday, you can find all the topics here, and you can find more of my bookish lists here.

A Heart so Fierce and Broken

1. The sequel to A Curse so Dark and Lonely has been topping my tbr for a while. I really was about to read this, dear reader, I was crawling to the top of the library waiting list, the novel only had to jump on a truck a few villages down and travel to my library paradise. It was so nearly in my clutches. And then, alas, a highly contagious deadly disease intercepted and the dear truck drivers, exceptional library workers, and crumpled paperback delivery service were sent to ground. Really, how inconvenient.

Call Down the Hawk

2. Ah yes this one. Well I um, do own it. So I suppose I can’t entirely blame the library system and virus for this one. I guess it might have just slipped the net…?

The Starless Sea

3. So I did start this one! I was bringing it to work each day, despite being a fat hardback, ensuring I brought a bookmark so no creased pages, smoothing down the cover and even dutifully checking my lunch Tupperware was leak proof. However, sadly, although the cover is pretty I just wasn’t that interested in the story. It’s got too much world building and random details, where’s the plot? Why don’t I understand half of what’s going on and why is there random interludes every couple pages that seemingly make no sense? It is suffering with a pacing problem I’m afraid so I put it on hold.


4. I dragged this library book (oops sorry) all the way round the world when I went to visit my brother in Australia. I have fond memories of reading it while sunning myself on the run up to Christmas. You can expect a review up really soon because it’s all written but I am too afraid to put my little worlds into the world without a couple weeks of panic over them first.

Priory of the Orange Tree

5. I’m reading this beast now! only 250 pages to go which is nearly another whole book so yay?


6. Hahaha, will I ever read this?

To Best the Boys

7. Oh gosh, do I even own this? Oh I do. I may have completely forgotten it’s existence until right now…


8. Ah look another book on the list of ‘novels Hannah completely forgot she owns let alone planned to read once’. Maybe I need to check on my winter tbr more often.


9. I am really excited for this one and hopefully I’ll finish up Priory soon so I can get to reading more of my physical books!

The City of Brass

X. I actually read this one! I thought it was good, wasn’t a fan of the main romance but I loved the world it’s so unique! Also possibly a tad too much detail going on there for a first in a series. Look I even managed to post a review up for this one.


Not so great. I read 2 of the books, am half way through 2 of the books and pretty well forgot about 4 of the books. Woops. Here to hoping I do better on my quratnine reads!

Let me know what you’re reading. What’s on your tbr? Do you have a list for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday? I’d love to check it out. I will hopefully have a review up this week because there is a massive backlog problem but tune in next Tuesday for another list post on the books I love but rarely talk about! Until then.

6 thoughts on “How I Did on my Winter TBR

  1. I’m reading City of Brass, Havenfall and Coraline at the moment. For once, I have actually neither read, nor own most of the books on your list. Let me know what you think of Priory when you’re done, I really enjoyed it. I reckon it’s more your speed than The Bone Season books, since it’s more of your “traditional” fantasy, but I could be wrong! I also still need to read Call Down The Hawk, I took it to South Africa with me but didn’t get around to it before I left, hopefully soon. I need you to read Enchantee ASAP, I have no one to fangirl with (I mean we’ll have to fangirl virtually but still!). I had the same issue with The Night Circus that you’re having with The Starless Sea, so I’m not surprised. I don’t think Erin Morgenstern’s stories are for me.
    My TTT:


  2. Now you’ve made me want to look back at my Winter TBR! The Night Circus made my list this week for being overly hyped. Don’t think I’ll pick up The Starless Sea since I didn’t enjoy TNC, but then again, I might cave to the hype. Ha! Great post!

    My Top Ten Tuesday


  3. Hey Hannah. I hope Hannah is your name!
    I really like your blog!
    You rock!
    So I have nominated you for the Vincent EHINDERO award
    Do check out my new post for it!!


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